The Icelandic Sagas are prose histories, describing life and events that took place in Iceland, during the 10th and 11th centuries. They are stories of families, adventures, feuding, deal-making, wars, great journeys, history, and myth. They are stories of the Norse and Celtic settlers and their descendants in Iceland during what is sometimes called the Saga Age. For Asatruars and Heathens, there is indispensible knowledge to be gained here. These tales give us a window into the world of our heathen ancestors. What did they value? How did they resolve conflicts? How did they uphold their responsibilities to their famlies and their friends? How did they approach life and their places within the community? How did they view and honor their Gods and Ancestors? Contained in this volume are nearly 800 pages of Icelandic Sagas. Read, learn, and enjoy these tales of our Ancestors.
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